We deliver

Healthcare Public Private

Aexis has over 25 years of experience with implementing budgeting, forecasting and reporting solutions. That expertise forms the basis for our own Aexis standard xFP&A solutions.

Based on a standard implementation plan, you’ll be up and running in no time!

experts in

Aexis Standard Solutions Offerings

I am interested in a standard FP&A Solution for:

AisBud logo
Private companies
GemBud logo
Towns & Municipalities

Aexis Products

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AisBud logo
Aisbud application
AisBud Octagrammen
Aexis FP&A product - AisBud

Standard Aexis Budgeting & Reporting​

You can get up and running in no time with our standard Aexis Budgeting and Reporting application “AisBud”. Aexis has developed this application based on our expertise implementing FP&A solutions in all kinds of industries.

AisBud uses a modular approach which allows you to start in just a few weeks with the basic finance module so you’ll have one central budgeting and reporting solution in place. Next you can choose one or more additional modules to implement such as the HR module, Capex module or Operational Cash flow module for example.

Aexis FP&A product - GemBud

Budgetteren voor gemeenten volgens BBC-richtlijnen

*Our Gembud solution is only available in dutch since it is meant for Flemish municipalities. 

Maak uw meerjarenplan, begroting, beleidsrapportering en beheers rapportering digitaal, transparant en efficiënt in een modulaire aanpak. Start snel met de basis “Finance” module en breidt uit aan de hand van de wensen in uw gemeente.

De voordelen van GemBud:

  • Minder tijd besteden aan het verzamelen van gegevens
  • Meer tijd voor analyse
  • Automatische gegevens doorstroming 
  • Minder fouten door beheer in één centrale omgeving 
  • Automatisch beheer van verschillende versies
  • Modulair uitbreidbaar voor budgetteren van personeel, ontvangsten, uitgaven, investeringen, rapportering, … 
GemBud logo
GemBud application
Gembud octagram
Aexis FP&A Product - HoBud

Standard Budgeting & Reporting Application especially for Hospitals

In collaboration with several hospitals, Aexis has developed a budgeting application, specifically linking the particularities of the Belgian hospital, its profile and its organization, to international practices in the development and budget monitoring. The application evolves with the requests and specific workflows of the client.

HoBud logo
Octagram of HoBud
Leave behind your inefficient static planning & reporting

Extended Financial Planning & Analysis (xFP&A)

In today’s rapidly changing world, succesful organizations need fast and flexible solutions to deliver deeper insights into both financial and operational performance. 

Break down traditional silos and accelerate in your planning and forecasting cycles by collaborating with Sales, HR and Operations. This is wat Extended Financial Planning & Analysis, or xFP&A is all about.

Take a look at how our Aexis Standard xFP&A Products quickly deliver you what you need now and in the future. 

Extended Financial Planning & Analysis (xP&A)
FinHosta logo
finhosta application
finhosta analytics
Aexis Standard Product - FinHosta

A unique tool to easily send your data to the FPS - Public Health.

The application plays an intermediate role between your operational data and sending to the SPF-SP through PortaHealth. It allows you to integrate your data in different formats, text and Excel, directly consolidate the detailed data (per account or per person, for example) to the level requested by the SPF-SP, directly carry out the required checks, calculate the bed sheet and your indirect charges, to classify the data and to have reports for internal use.

Aexis invests in ready-to-use FP&A Products.

With our standard offerings, we break with traditional FP&A-Projects. 

Use the button here below to Download the Aexis publication in which we explain our strategy (available in Dutch only for the moment).

user feedback

What our customer
say about our products

Over the years Aexis has implemented numerous FP&A solutions in public and private organizations in almost any sector. Feel free to ask for more information! 

“Budgetteren, forecasten, scenario’s… het is allemaal geen probleem meer. Sneller, flexibeler, betrouwbaarder en beter beheersbaar… al die voordelen stellen onze afdeling nu in staat om meer tijd te steken in het gewenste pro-actieve partnerschap!”
Finance Director of a Pharmaceutical Company in The Netherlands
“De samenwerking met Aexis heeft geleid tot een enorme win-win waarbij we ons model, zoals voorheen in Excel, kunnen gebruiken op basis van krachtige software.”
Financieel Directeur Gemeente & OCMW
“Aexis FP&A solution presents clear and transparent information in structured modules, using data from various operational systems. This allows you to follow your hospital’s evolution perfectly and to make well-considered policy decisions.”
Finance Controller of Belgian Hospital

Aexis invests in ready-to-use FP&A Products.


Budgettering voor gemeentes volgens de BBC richtlijnen